ينعقد حالياً المؤتمر الدولى للأيقونة والبورتريه فى مصر برعاية دير الشهيد العظيم مارميناالعجائبى بصحراء مريوط ويرأس المؤتمر د. هانى حنا عزيز وذلك فى الفترة من 18/9/2006 وحتى 20/9/2006.
يشارك فى هذا المؤتمر العديد من الباحثين والخبراء والدارسين الدوليين حيث قدمت عشرات الملخصات التى تم تحكيمها وإختيار بعضها ودعوة الباحثين الى إعداد الابحاث الكاملة، حيث وصل العدد النهائى من الباحثين المتضمنة أبحاثهم حوالى 51 باحثاً اشتركوا فى عمل 21 بحث. وينتمى الباحثون الى 27 مؤسسة من 15 دولة من 4 قارات. وقد طبعت أعمال المؤتمر والمحاضرات فى كتاب يعد مرجعاً فى هذا المجال.
وقد قدم نيافة الحبر جزيل الإحترام الأنبا كيرلس للمؤتمر بكلمة كما كتب مقدمةللكتاب.
In the beginn
In Greek the word image is Icon, the icon realizes the visual and symbolic form of communication that would depict the very essence of the Christian faith. It has been truly told that the Christian icon represent a spiritual reality that proclaimed the mystery of salvation through color, form and light.ing, God revealed Himself through His Word. In the New Testament God revealed Himself as the Word in Christ… in His incarnation, Christ was the visible image of the invisible God.
Painters of the Christian icons use artistic techniques to present their subjects derived from the Holy Bible, the Christian religious and beliefs as well as history of the Christian Church. The painter strives to express the content of the faith in wanting the splendor of light to shine through their work by the purification of their soul in the attempts to express the reality of the spiritual world.
We are grateful to Dr. Hany Hanna and the International Council of Museum – Conservation Committee – Wood, Furniture and Lacquer Working Group ( ICOM -CC-Wood, Furniture and Lacquer) for organizing the Icon and Portrait International Conference in our Country, Egypt and for taking the initiative to support the efforts to safeguard the highly valuable Abu Mena archaeological city and the ancient Saint Mena Coptic Orthodox Monastery, the Early Christian Pilgrimage centre in North Africa; the most important Coptic monument on the UNESCO List of World Heritage.
His Grace Bishop Kyrillos Ava Mena
Bishop and Abbot of Saint Mena Coptic Orthodox Monastery
Bourg El-Arab El-Gidida, Maryut, Alexandria , Egypt